شنبه 1403.10.1
Iranian Construction Engineering and Management
سایر مباحث مدیریت
لیست مقالات شماره ژانویه 2016 مجله Journal of Infrastructure Systems
American Society of Civil Engineers Table of Contents Alert
Journal of Infrastructure Systems
Volume: 21,
Number: 4 (December 2015)
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Technical Papers
Sustainability, Resiliency, and Grid Stability of the Coupled Electricity and Transportation Infrastructures: Case for an Integrated Analysis |
Jarod C. Kelly, Tulga Ersal, Chiao-Ting Li, Brandon M. Marshall, Soumya Kundu, Gregory A. Keoleian, Huei Peng, Ian A. Hiskens, Jeffrey L. Stein |
Journal of Infrastructure Systems, Vol. 21, No. 4, December 2015: 04015001.
Abstract | Full Text HTML | PDF (1487 KB) | Supplemental Material |
Case Studies
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