عناوین 31 مجله معتبر در حوزه مدیریت ایمنی، بهداشت و محیط زیست
تهیه کننده: دکتر مهدی روانشادنیا
1. ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part A: Civil Engineering
2. Safety and Health at Work
3. ASCE- Journal of Environmental Engineering
4. ASCE- Journal of Energy Engineering
5. ASCE- Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment
6. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
7. Australian Journal of Emergency Management
8. International Journal of Impact Engineering
9. Risk Analysis
10. Quality and Reliability Engineering International
11. Journal of Quality Technology
12. Engineering Failure Analysis
13. Fire Safety Journal
14. Case Studies in Engineering Failure Analysis
15. Journal of Management in Engineering
16. Building and Environment
17. Habitat International
18. Civil Engineering and Management
19. Construction Innovation
20. Built Environment Project and Asset Management
21. International Journal of Project Organisation and Management
22. Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems
23. Journal of Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
24. International Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
25. International Journal of Environmental Engineering
26. Environmental Engineering Science
27. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science
28. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation
29. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
30. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy
31. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
لیست کامل مجلات مهندسی و مدیریت ساخت