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امروز يکشنبه 1403.10.2 Iranian Construction Engineering and Management
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عناوین تعدادی از مقالات انگلیسی دکتر مهدی روانشادنیا در سالهای اخیر


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59- A Nejati, M Ravanshadnia, E Sadeh, 2018, Selecting an Appropriate Express Railway Pavement System Using VIKOR Multi-Criteria Decision Making Model, Civil Engineering Journal 4 (5), 1104-1116

58- M Ghanbari, A Monir Abbasi, M Ravanshadnia, 2017, Economic and Environmental Evaluation and Optimal Ratio of Natural and Recycled Aggregate Production, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

57- M Ghanbari, MA Abbasi, M Ravanshadnia, 2017, Environmental life cycle assessment and cost analysis of aggregate production industries compared with hybrid scenario, Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 15 (3), 1577-1593

56- M Ghanbari, AM Abbasi, M Ravanshadnia, 2017, Production of natural and recycled aggregates: the environmental impacts of energy consumption and CO2 emissions, Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management, 1-13

55- M Ghanbari, AM Abbasi, M Ravanshadnia, 2016, Techno-economic analysis of selecting the aggregate supply system based on optimal equipment layout in ready-mixed concrete plants, Indian Concrete Journal, 57

54- M SAFA, HAMID REZA and RAVANSHADNIA, THE TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY STUDY OF USING SMART PHONES IN costruction site management, Interaction between Theory and Practice in Civil Engineering and Construction


52- M Ravanshadnia, M Ghanbari, MH Fardani, 2015, Planning Crisis Management of Water Resources in Tehran in the Next Twenty Five Years, J. Appl. Environ. Biol. Sci 5 (10), 50-59

51- M Ravanshadnia, M Ghanbari, A hybrid EOQ and fuzzy model to minimize the material inventory in ready mixed concrete plants, Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM), 2014 IEEE 

50- MBNH Mostafa Amiri, Mehdi Ravanshadnia, 2014, Consideration The Impact Of Development On The Transportation Network Based On Land – Use, International Journal of Innovative Science, Engineering and Technology 1 (9)

49- A Ghorbani, M Ravanshadnia, MB Nobakht, A survey of risks in public private partnership highway projects in Iran, ICCREM 2014: Smart Construction and Management in the Context of New

48- M Ravanshadnia, M Ghanbari, Optimizing Ready Mixed Concrete Production Plants via a Genetic Algorithm Approach Used for Batching Plant Equipment Layout, ICCREM 2014: Smart Construction and Management in the Context of New …

47- ALIREZA Ghanbari, G Mehdi Ravanshadnia, Mohammad Bagher Nobakht, A Survey of Risks in Public Private Partnership Highway Projects in Iran, International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management (ICCREM 2014)

46- Niusha BAHRIE, Mehdi Ravanshadnia, Mohammad Bagher Nobakht, Material Selection in Green Buildings: Optimization of Cost and CO2 Emissions, The International Conference On Advances in Civil, Structural, Environmenta, 2014

45- MRMH H.Jadidi, M Ravanshadnia, Visualization of As-built Progress Data Using Construction Site Photographs: Two Case Studies, International Symposium on Automation and Robotics in Construction and …, 2014

44- M Ravanshadnia, H Rajaie, 2013, Semi-ideal bidding via a fuzzy TOPSIS project evaluation framework in risky environments, Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 19 (sup1), S106-S115

43- R Kheirkhah, P., Ravanshadnia, M., Determining Economic Life of Earth Moving Equipment by Using Life Cycle Cost Analysis: Case Study, International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management (ICCREM 2012)

42- M Ravanshadnia, H Rajaie, HR Abbasian, 2011, A comprehensive bid/no-bid decision making framework for construction companies, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology. Transactions of Civil Engineering

41- Ravanshadnia, M., Rajaie, H., and Abbasian, H.R. (2010). “Hybrid fuzzy MADM project selection model for diversified construction companies”. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, Vol. 37, pp. 1082-1093.

40-Ravanshadnia, M., Rajaie, H., and Abbasian, (2010), Selecting engineering partner for EPC projects using a fuzzy AHP approach, International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, 5(4): 277-283.

39-Ravanshadnia, M., Rajaie, H., and Abbasian, H.R. (2011). “A comprehensive bid/no-bid decision making framework for construction companies”. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology Transaction B-Engineering, Vol. 35, pp. 95-103.

38- Ravanshadnia, M., Abasian, H.R., Rajaie, H., (2010), “ Selecting Engineering Partner for EPC Projects using a Fuzzy AHP Approach”, International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, 5(4): 277-283.

-37-Abasian, H.R., Ravanshadnia, M., Rajaie, H.,“ Risk Based Fuzzy TOPSIS Bid/no-Bid Decision Making Model”, accepted for presentation at the IRNOP IX conference on “Organizing by Projects”, October 11-13, 2009, in Berlin

36-Ravanshadnia, M., Mohamadi, A., Rajaie, H., An Integrated group decision making model to determine buy, hire, or lease construction equipment”, The International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management ICCREM2010, Queensland, Austarlia.

35 -Abasian, H.R., Ravanshadnia, M., Rajaie, H.,“ Selecting Engineering Partner for EPC Projects; a Fuzzy AHP Approach”, Fifth International Conference on project Management, Tehran, 2009

34- Banki, M. T., Esmaeeli, B., Ravanshadnia, M., (2008) “The assessment of bidding strategy of Iranian construction firms”, International Journal of Management Science and Engineering Management, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 153-160.

33-Esmaeeli, B., Ravanshadnia, M., Banki, M. T., “The assessment of bidding strategy of Iranian construction firms”, Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management Conference, Singapore, 2006.

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پایگاه برترین پژوهشگران


 MR. Doctor Mehdi Ravanshadnia 

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